Tag Archives: trust in God

Day 29: My Rock, My Protection, My Shield

BrownCrossPraying God’s Promises

The Lord is my rock, my protection, my Savior. My God is my rock.

I can run to him for safety.

He is my shield and my saving strength, my defender.

Psalm 18:2 (NCV)


David wrote this psalm to the Lord after He saved David from his enemies. It provides word pictures – metaphors of how Yahweh takes care of us. It’s not hard to picture our lives as a battle just as David did because Satan is waging war on our hearts every day.29.MyRock

Thanks be to God for the blessing of His enduring steadfastness, for defending me.


NOTE: This link has been updated to include all the pictures with words used in this series. This should make it easier to print all 31 cards.

I’m writing every day in October about prayer, specifically prayers that honor and give glory to God. Click here to begin with Day 1

Day 28: He Will Not Leave Me

BrownCrossPraying God’s Promises

Those who know your name trust in you,

for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Psalm 9:10 (NIV)



A complicated cycle. IF I seek the Lord, I will learn to trust Him.

IF I know the Lord (because I seek Him) then I know His power, His strength, His love.

Through this seeking and knowing I come to trust the Father.

And the promise?

He promises to never leave me!

28.He will not leaveI am thankful for my faithful Elohim. I trust Him and believe that He will never leave me.


I’m writing every day in October about prayer, specifically prayers that honor and give glory to God. Click here to begin with Day 1You can click on the cards above to print them, or click here to get the documents containing all the cards in this series.

FEAR in a dangerous world

Five-Minute-Friday.1Joining the Five Minute Friday community of bloggers today with a one word prompt. With a one word prompt we write for five minutes, unedited.

fIRST thoughts


God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but a spirit of power and love and self-control.        2 Timothy 1:7         


Kate chose this word before the news about the church massacre spread throughout the world.  Do we need to be afraid when we go to worship or Bible study?

I think of the long history of this church in South Carolina; don’t you know those first worshipers had times when they feared for their lives because of their plans, their actions, their beliefs?

We live in a dangerous world where hate can launch a violent attack because of differences in race, belief, ethnicity, place of birth, place of worship. The list goes on and on.

The early Christians had reason to fear for their lives because of their beliefs. The leaders were beaten, put in chains, killed, used for sport in stadiums — on and on.

So how do we trust?  How do we have a spirit of power and love and self-control? I have no easy answers.

I’ve learned through struggles, grief, doubt, and disappointments. Scripture repeats the sentiment over and over.

That’s why we read those verses, memorize them, sing them, post them on the wall, tweet, post on Pinterest, Facebook. Memory fails, faith falters, and seeking God’s face is all that’s left.Trustverse

Today I thank God for

  • unfailing love
  • pursuing our hearts
  • never giving up
  • providing a haven of rest









from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, January 26:

Give up the illusion that you deserve a problem-free life!

Link your hope . . . to the promise of an eternity of problem-free life in heaven.

When things seem all wrong, trust in the Lord.

Believing I deserve a life without problems is an illusion!

What a radical concept in this age of entitlement!

In the perfect worlds of Facebook and Pinterest, are you comparing yourself to those ideal pictures or stories?

Statistics is about comparison — who is performing better, who scored higher on achievement tests, who sold more. Pinterest keeps sending me messages of how many people repinned my pins, not that I’ve asked them to tell me this! Using statistics to know how you compared to your own previous performance can be useful, but so many statistics are used to compare yourself with others.

In Daring Greatly, Brené Brown says this comparing, “never enough” feeling is Scarcity. If we believe we are:

  • not good enough,
  • not perfect enough,
  • not thin enough,
  • not smart enough, etc., then we likely carry around shame or constant comparing or fear of risking new things.
(You can see Brené Brown’s TED Talk videos at this link.

Sarah Young uses Scriptures on trust to remind us that our trust in things, feelings, media hype, even in people gives us false hope.

John 16:33 tells us that we will have trouble.

Psalms 112:7 in New Century Version says:

They won’t be afraid of bad news;

their hearts are steady

because they trust the Lord.

Maritime Forest, Orange Beach, Alabama

Maritime Forest, Orange Beach, Alabama

Thank you, Father, for words that teach me to LEAN on You. 

Thank you for the hope of heaven, a home without problems.


Daring GreatlyBook ResourcesJesusCalling





“gratitude is a memory of God’s heart,

to give thanks is to remember God.”    Ann Voskampcropped-give-thanks-31.jpg


if I give thanks in all things, I must search my present circumstances.


I search for the blessings of TODAY my mind and my heart are lifted from . . .

the mosquito buzz of trivial irritations

the chronic pain of arthritis (substitute your own chronic)

the fatigue of a sleepless night

the brain fog of media overload

the frustration of incomplete to-do lists

the turmoil of conflict


I give thanks for

the birth of a long-awaited baby girl (Jennifer’s best friend from childhood)

the hug of a friend

the prayers of soul sisters

a husband who drops everything to vacuum or drive me to a doctor appointment

bright leaves scattered on September’s grass of deep greenOrange Leaf

I am filled with JOY,

and I remember to TRUST the One who never leaves me.



Release: a Five Minute Friday

Joining Lisa-Jo at 5 Minute Friday where we write about the same topic for 5 minutes.

Today’s word:  RELEASE

“Let It Go!”

What a great song from the movie, Frozen. Surely you’ve heard this song. Maybe you’re even sick of it because the movie is played over and over at your house.

I’ve recently found myself saying, “Let it go”, in other contexts, sometimes to myself or a friend.  Some of the lyrics can be aptly apply to our fears or emotions. Have you prayed that God release you from your fears or pain? He tells us over and over to just let our worries, our pain, our fear GO! Give them to Him. His Son came to bear our burdens!

But we still hold tightly to old feelings. And the storms swirl inside.

The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside
Couldn’t keep it in, heaven knows I triedcloudysky

Don’t let them in, don’t let them see
Be the good girl

You always had to be
Conceal, don’t feel
Don’t let them know

It’s funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can’t get to me at all
Up here in the cold thin air
I finally can breathe
I know I left a life behind but I’m too relieved to grieve

So we wear a mask to cover our pain. We hide behind the facade and “be the good girl”. The battle to control our mind never ends. Just when you think you have released everything, something happen, and the old fears or pain jump right back in.

So what can you do?

What can I do?Blueskies


“I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.” Isaiah 12:2


“The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:6

I find Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling to be a wonderful resource for the battle. Her insights remind me over and over that this battle belongs to the Lord, and I must stay close to Him in the Word and in prayer.

Thanks be to God for His promises.

He is my salvation!



Jer. 31:21 says “Set up signposts. Make landmarks: Set your heart toward the highway . . .”NKJV

Jeremiah is quoting the Lord who tells His people to set up signposts to mark the way back to their home.  I think of the barren, rocky desert of the land of Israel and imagine signposts that are made of rocks.  What else would last in that environment?  I like to use rocks with messages written on them to remind me of important truths.

When I wanted a thoughtful discussion on themes and life lessons found in the novels we read in my 8th grade classroom, I formed a large circle in the room with their desks.  To signal the importance of seminar, I used a large rock that said “Peace”, and only the person holding the rock was allowed to speak.  This actually worked; the rock was something tangible and seemed to anchor them to the procedure.

On my desk is a small stone that says “Trust”. I need the reminder that my faith in God is essentially trusting Him to never leave me and to be ever faithful.

A child learns to trust based on experience; if she is hungry and is fed, she learns to trust the caregiver.  The first time I took Jennifer to Mother’s Day Out was the first time I really left her for any length of time. A friend of mine was the teacher in the infants group, and when I picked up Jennifer in the afternoon my friend quickly informed me that Jennifer cried the whole day. Children need experiences in different situations to learn that parents can be trusted to take care of them.

Larry and I babysit a two and half year old every other Friday.  Her mom says she now looks forward to coming; if Mom says it’s time to go to Larry and Martell’s, child says “let’s get the snacks and go”.  It was a gradual learning process; she learned to trust that Mom would come back, that these two people were going to take care of her, that Martell would take care of the potty business, food, and nap.  Larry would be the entertainer.

What breaks trust for children?  We know of horrible things that parents do to abuse children, but there are also cases of neglect in which children never learn to trust.  I know of a 16 year old who was adopted as an infant, but his adoptive family lived in a different state and had to wait for the paperwork to make its way through the bureaucracy before they took him home.  The foster family thought they would help make bonding easier for the adoptive parents by not bonding with him, they took care that he would not become attached to them.  What a mistake!  As a result he has had an attachment disorder – he had a very difficult time bonding with anyone.

As adults we learn from relationships that some people can’t be trusted.  When a job is lost, it can feel devastating because a trust is broken. Even institutions can break trust – ever heard of a church splitting?  It is often from a break in trusting the leaders or the minister.

God tells us over and over in His word to trust Him.  He began trusting man in the Garden of Eden.  He put Adam in a beautiful garden, told him to care for it and work it, and had him name all the animals. Then God made Eve so Adam would not be alone. God’s only stipulation about the garden was a warning about eating the tree of life.  He told them if they ate the fruit they would surely die.  God did not warn Adam that something was going to happen that would make a difference in his and Eve’s life forever..  Why didn’t God warn them about the coming temptation?  God created man and woman with everything they needed in their design AND gave them free will.  John Eldredge says that God believed in Adam.  He trusted Adam to make the right choice.

And as we know, Adam and Eve did not trust God once Satan planted doubt in their minds. So man began this doubting from the beginning. Notice that Adam actually did nothing – he didn’t take a risk, didn’t fight, didn’t rescue Eve.  He just followed Eve’s action.

Jeremiah 1:6-8

When Jeremiah is called to a prophet, he complains to God that he is only a youth.  God tells him he must go wherever God sends him. Do not be afraid for I am with you to deliver you.”  God promises to rescue him.  But the way God rescues in the Old Testament is not what we would expect.

  • If I’m going to be rescued I don’t want it to be like Abraham.  The knife was over the body of his son; he was ready to plunge it in his son’s body before God showed him the lamb.
  • I don’t want to be like Joseph who sat in the Egyptian prison for years.
  • I don’t want to be the Israelites who were slaves for 400 years, or to stand at the Red Sea with Pharaoh’s army pushing us back to drown.
  • Or wander in the desert for 40 years.

Notice a pattern here?  God waits until the last minute to rescue His servants.  He even abandoned His own Son.  He calls us to battles when the odds are stacked against us.  Trust is hard won.

Life is a Battle

This is what resonates with me about this whole idea of trust.  Until I see my life as a battle – a war against my heart I won’t understand my life.  God appears to abandon me.  I have to believe that God’s will allows terrible things to happen to me.  I understand now what our daughter, Jennifer understood at 21.  Her roommate told me about a conversation they had sometime in that last year of her life.  Jennifer worried because nothing really bad had ever happened to her.

The irony is just a few months later she fell off a mountain in the Cherokee National Forest. Jennifer would not see her death as something terrible because she knew where her new home would be.  She went home to her Father Her death was terrible for her friends and her family, for her fiancé, but the greatest comfort we had was the knowledge that she was truly home, her eternal home with God.

The hard thing about trust for me is that I forget.  In the middle of troubles, illness, or frustrations I forget to trust in the One who promises to take care of me.  I think I need a bigger rock because it’s lost on my desk.  I found some river rocks at the store and wrote “Trust” on it.

I think I need a rock that is big enough for me to stump my toe.  I looked everywhere in the craft stores and the home improvement stores but could not find what I needed, until a stop at Hobby Lobby.  I found a beautiful ball – not a rock, but it has the verse from Bible class we had just memorized. 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on you own understanding.” Prov. 3:5

Put up signposts to remind you of the eternal truths that guide you on your journey home to the Father.  Use rocks or posters or framed passages.  We can memorize verses and sing songs to remind us, but a visual reminder helps when you are in the midst of battle.

Counting joy!
